PO BOX 7312, Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7YQ   Tel: 020 8371 9589

The Stuckist Party

Manifesto 2001


The Stuckist Party is an officially registered political party with the Electoral Commission. It is a separate organization to the Stuckist Art Group, although that is its origin. The Art Group was started to promote painting and integrity in art, and oppose the current hype and marketing values of Brit Art. The Stuckist Party  acknowledges that the abuses of the art world also need a political solution.


 Artists have traditionally taken a radical stance on society, which has often followed their vision. This is a formalising of that position.  The main aim of The Stuckist Party is to do what artists and poets have always done in thinking the unthinkable, saying the unsayable, challenging the complacencies and assumptions of the status quo, and thereby paving the way for new and previously undared solutions to present problems.


Aims from the Party Constitution

The Stuckist Party aims to bring the ideas of Stuckism and Remodernism into the political arena.

The Stuckist Party aims at the reversal of the values of a greed-motivated society and the bringing about of a spiritual renaissance, which can only be accomplished by society incorporating and taking responsibility for the shadow side it prefers to disown.  We consider the bringing of our ideas to public attention is as important as, if not more important than, the actual attainment of political power.


Policies: addressing the art establishment

We do not allow a monopoly on fridges, so why do we allow one on art?


The last decade of art in this country has been dominated by the buying power, media manipulation and taste of one man, Charles Saatchi.  His admitted addiction to the ‘new’ has led to a succession of increasing absurdities, gimmicks masquerading as invention, and contrived outrages. Most of the country’s serious artists, who continue to paint, are excluded from consideration to the detriment of our culture.


This process has been promoted also with public money, through the narrow taste of Sir Nicholas Serota at the Tate Gallery, notoriously in the Turner Prize, which Turner himself would certainly stand no chance of winning.  Tate Britain Director, Stephen Deuchar,’s proud boast of providing a ‘comprehensive overview of British Art’ beggars belief.  Turner Prize winners and nominees (all selected in secret), as well as contemporary art purchases, come from a handful out of the 2,500 galleries in the country.


A more pernicious, and largely unseen, form of abuse is Arts Council funding of the visual arts. Again the same narrow range of taste prevails of an elite art establishment. Artists are promoted by the Arts Council, which then buys work at the high price its promotion has brought about.  Artists who already benefit from wealthy gallery backing benefit from public funding , while deserving but ‘unfashionable’ artists are ignored.  Worst of all in this respect is the presence on the Arts Council of those whose professional associates benefit from their allocation of public funding, or who even benefit themselves.  The Arts Council is neither answerable to Parliament, nor democratically elected.


It is clearly obvious that the state of art in this country is at the very least questionable, and at worst blatantly corrupt in a way which would not be permitted elsewhere in public administration or industry. The Government has failed lamentably not only to address this but even to recognize it, preferring instead to ingratiate itself with ephemera of ‘Cool Britannia’.  Values of integrity, accountability and fairness for the benefit of the wider community must be applied in the art world as well as in general society.


David Lee, editor of Jackdaw art magazine, has agreed to act as a consultant over these issues.  For a more detailed analysis or specific examples, contact him at 020 7502 1393 (mobile 0777 3673722).


Promoted by, on behalf of and printed by Charles Thomson, PO Box 7312, Whitchurch, Hampshire RG28 7YQ.


Policies: other issues

As members of society, we have thoughts on other issues as well. We put forward ideas which we hope will at least lead to more discussion on these subjects. The Stuckist Party announces radical ideas to reform society.  It proposes to eliminate drug crime, street prostitution, the illegal pornography trade, transport congestion, homelessness, welfare benefit fraud and the decline of the NHS. 


We propose the decriminalisation of  drugs, brothels and adult hard-core porn (including consensual ‘S & M’), the provision of a free nationalised integrated public transport system, a statutory right to housing and a subsistence income, and for MPs’ pay to be performance-related to hospital waiting lists.


The necessary funding for these improvements will come from the currently untaxed multi-billion pound drugs, prostitution and pornography industries. Their current criminalisation is an act of political cowardice and irresponsibility, which has led to consequences (e.g. drug-related gang warfare) which proper regulation would negate.


We agree with the aims of the May Day protesters, namely anti-globalization, animal rights, respect for the environment, organic farming and freedom in society.  It is the duty of the government to maintain power through democracy not be cowed by corporate power.


FAMILY AND COMMUNITY.  We believe in the value of stable (which may be unorthodox) relationships,  including  recognition of extended families and support for single-parent families.

Regionalisation: work in the locality, local farming and abattoirs; regional government.

Community policing and the creation of community ‘specials’ particularly from ethnic groups in liaison with community leaders.

Financial incentives for small shopkeepers;  a ban on out-of-town shopping centres; tax on the movement of goods, particularly by road; realistic tax on aircraft fuel to reflect its environmental damage.

Restoration of  national ‘day of rest’ on Sunday;

No advertising to be targeted at children under twelve;


A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION, including rights of free speech and freedom of information, children’s rights and equal rights for all racial backgrounds and sexual inclinations (e.g. homosexuality);  repeal of the Terrorism Act and the Criminal Justice Act – their replacement with an act that targets terrorists and criminals.

Crime against the person to be considered a far more serious offence than crime against property;

prison not for punitive puroses, but to keep serious lawbreakers away from the public as long as they are are still considered a danger; prisons to have increased educational and therapeutic programmes, and worthwhile job schemes; no remand unless for serious charges, and then trials to start within four weeks.

Non-custodial alternatives to be developed, e.g. community work, curfews, restricted travel, for lesser offences.

A court system based on inquiry into truth, rather than adversarial competition;


RENATIONALISATION of national systems, namely the utilities, rail and phone network.

Tramways and monorails in cities; regeneration of canal system for transport of heavy goods.

Maintenance of public service broadcasting, namely the BBC; public access television.

Standardized public sector pay scale; increased pay for nurses (immediate 50%), police, hospital ancillary staff and teachers.

Reform NHS as it was thirty years ago, when it worked.

Standardized NHS care – the same facilities and standards should prevail nation-wide.

Defence – the army to be equipped with guns and radios that work, and boots that don’t leak.

Ban on tobacco and alcohol advertising.

Re-use before re-cycle, e.g. returnable bottles with deposit.

Monopolies commission to have extended powers.

National minimum and maximum wage (latter £1,000,000 p.a.). Workers to have shares in their company.


WAR ON BUREAUCRACY, including tiers of management and obsession with paperwork, in all walks of public life, e.g. police, doctors and teachers, who all want to be doing their work, not writing about it.

Scrap Offsted and the current administration of the National Curriculum, both of which have had a disastrously demoralizing effect on the teaching profession and consequent lowering of children’s true education.


INCREASE OF ARTS and creativity in education; also lessons in ‘dealing with life’ – eg. psychology and the emotions, the realities of drug use; and lessons appropriate for aptitude, e.g. car maintenance.

State-funding of the arts, e.g. through the Arts Council to be accountable to Parliament and hence democratically-elected legislators;  no member of public funding body to benefit from its funding for five years after leaving office.

Artists’ resale rights
