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The first art show of the new millenium! Opening at 00.00 on 1.1.2000

Paintings by the Stuckists
191 Queensgate, London SW7 5EU
(near Royal Albert Hall)

Pipe Smoker
by Billy Childish
Friday 31 December, 8pm onwards
Millenium Eve launch party
Admission £20 by ticket only, limited numbers
Cash bar/food available.

Thursday 13 January, 8pm
Stuckism: a forum
by Billy Childish and Charles Thomson
(first in a series `The Meaning of Culture')
Admission £5

Sunday 16 January, 11.30am
Brunch on last day of the show
Tickets £12

Tickets for all three events £32 (save £5)

Normal opening Tues 1-10pm, Wed 1-7pm
or by appointment
Admission £2 (day membership)

Contact: Daniele Dodd
Tel: 0171 244 6952
Mobile: 07971 264262
Email: salon.daniele@virgin.net

Salon des Arts is a registered charity and was founded in 1992 by Daniele Dodd to continue the tradition of a cutting edge forum. In the Eighteenth Century Salons were originated in France by non-conformists outside the circle of royal power.

The Salon des Arts has gathered together painters, musicians, architects, photographers and actors, including Will Alsop, John Hoyland, Edward Bell, Mel Gooding, Roger Eaton and the late Ossie Clark. It has recently moved to new premises.

"The Salon is the only alternative in London to the political stand in Contemporary Arts" - John Hoyland

With thanks to Joe Crompton of Gallery 108