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Stuckism is not a gallery or an agency. If you are looking for someone to promote your work or to give you feedback, then this is the wrong place.

Stuckism is a DIY movement of independent artists, who agree on a core philosophy, but make their own interpretation of that. Stuckism is pro contemporary figurative painting with ideas. You can get more understanding of this from the Manifestos, Paintings, Essays and Interviews. However, it should be noted that these are catalysts, not (despite rumours to the contrary) dogmas. You don't have to agree with everything, but there's no point if you disagree with everything either. It's up to you to decide if you want to identify with this movement and if you feel your work belongs in it. That is your statement about yourself, and does not imply any endorsement by this site, or vice versa.

We do not assess work, as long as it is figurative painting, and if you want to affiliate, then you can. You can either contact an existing group, or found a group, which is usually better. You may instead or in addition want to join the Stuckism Facebook group,which is the main online meeting place and discussion forum.

To start a Stuckist group.
Minimum requirement: one founder
Obligations: none
All groups are independent and self-directed, have their own interpretation of Stuckism and become part of the international network.

Copy and paste the following.

The [name of city/town] Stuckists
Est. 2008
Founder: [your name}
Email: [your email]
Web site: http://[your URL]

As Stuckism is international, it is advisable to choose an internationally-recognisable name for the group, usually a city or major town. Check out the list of groups for names already taken.

If you haven't got a website, it isn't necessary, although it's certainly an asset. For free web hosting, have a look at: Tripod, Moonfruit, Webs, Weebly, WebStarts, Yola and Wikispaces. An example of a free Tripod site is Michael Dickinson and Moonfruit is Dan Belton. For paid web hosting, we use Host Gator starting from $4.95 a month.

Send to: stuckism@yahoo.co.uk the following only:
1) Group information as above
2) Maximum of three jpegs of work each under 200KB in size (if you haven't sent a website URL)
3) Maximum of one paragraph of text.

There are no office staff, and we do not have the time or energy to deal with more than the above. Masses of text will not be read. The place for any further information on your life and work is on your own website.

There may be a delay in responding to your email and then posting details on this site. If you don't hear after a couple of weeks or so, please feel free to get in touch again.

You are welcome to adapt the Stuckism International Logo for use on your site, as below.


This is the website of The Stuckists, the first Stuckist group, started by Charles Thomson, and is for the artists in that group. We list other groups and activities on the site, but that is entirely at our discretion.

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