
Introduction Contents Search Paintings Essays Interviews Shows Enquiries Email


If you need material on Stuckism for your work, please first look through this web site thoroughly, as most points are covered in it. We can provide further assistance, but do your own research here first.

For some previous student work on Stuckism, see Education.

For basics on Stuckism, see Stuckism Introduction.

A Stuckist on Stuckism: a comprehensive essay by Co-founder Charles Thomson, covering the origin of Stuckism, its development since its foundation in 1999, 'ex Stuckists' (Billy Childish, Tracey Emin and Stella Vine), historical context of Medieval, Renaissance and Modern art, and the ethos of Stuckist painting. Read online or download 16 page word doc here

The first Stuckist texts are the ideas put forward in the Manifestos - particularly The Stuckists (1999) and Remodernism (2000). Also recommended are Handy Hints (2000), which includes amplifications and leftovers from the other two. Texts co-written by Billy Childish and Charles Thomson.

More ideas can be found in Essays, Interviews with artists (including some audio links), and Stuckist Critique of Damien Hirst (link to C4 website). Essays include a comparison of three contemporary 'schools' - Modern Traditional, Conceptual and Stuckist - in Daubs and Daubers, and Courtauld graduate Kirstie Gregory's A Study of Stuckism.

Paintings and artist biogs can be accessed via the page Paintings.

The Turner Prize: check home page for current any events, also archive of demos, Turner Prize Manifesto, The Turner Prize is a Red Herring and audio interview.

Books and DVD
More details on Merchandise page.

The Stuckists book (pub 2000) has most of the manifestos, plus paintings and biogs of the original 13 person Stuckists group.

The Stuckists Punk Victorian book (pub 2004) contains two essays, including A Stuckist on Stuckism, and 150 full colour illustrations - photos of demos, shows and artists as well as many paintings - and 37 artist biographies.
RRP £14.95

Stuckism: It's a dirty job ...but someone's got to do it DVD has interviews with Stuckist Co-founders Charles Thomson and Billy Childish (on why he left the group), as well as artists Bill Lewis, Ella Guru, Joe Machine, Wolf Howard, Paul Harvey, Elsa Dax, Philip Absolon, Peter McArdle and Rachel Jordan, plus curator Kat Evans and Saatchi star Stella Vine at the Vote Stuckist show 2001.
Approx. 60 mins, produced by Soulthing.

Articles in Wikipedia
Stuckism | Stuckist demonstrations | The Stuckists Punk Victorian | Stuckism in Australia |
Stuckism in America
| The Medway Poets
There are also individual articles on Stuckist artists. See the complete list. Wikipedia articles are a useful guide, but may be subject to inaccuracies, so check on this site to confirm if in doubt.

Search the site for key words if there's anything else you're particularly interested in: search form.

Interviews with artists can be arranged by email, phone or in person. by appointment.

Contact details
Tel: 020 8343 4282
Email: stuckism@yahoo.co.uk

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