(Including non-English press)

Page started July 2008. Under construction.
Guide to non-English language introductions and coverage of Stuckism, including press, radio, TV and blogs.

All dates are in UK format, day-month-year.

English language pages are as follows. for general press coverage, see Press cuttings, for specific artists, see Artists' press.
For press on specific subjects, see Stuckist demonstrations and Tate Trustee Scandal. For blogs in English, see blogs page.
For press prior to 2002, see UK News and International News pages. For 1999-2000, see TV/Radio/Press
Other coverage can be found via google news, google books and google scholar


Shanghai Stuckists

Cesky - "Stuckismus je umelecký smer, který vznikl v Británii v roce 1999. Jeho zakladateli jsou Charles Thomson a Billy Childisch. Zakládá se na figurální malbe a abstrakci."
Art and Antiques magazine, Sept 2005 (Czech Republic) - 10 page article on Stuckismus – malírské hnutí internetového veku s (Stuckism: a painters' movement for the internet age). Intro in Czech here and in English here ).
"V roce 1999 založili londýnští malíri Billy Childish a Charles Thompson nové umelecké hnutí stuckismus. Jeho hlavním cílem se stala snaha vydobýt malírství na britské výtvarné scéne pozice, které ztrácelo razantním nástupem konceptuálního umení v prubehu 90. let." Full text in Czech here (word doc).

Zoghal, Sep 08: interview with Charles Thomson from The Thing Is translated into Farsi by Babak Shahsiah.

Wikipedia Français - "Le stuckisme est un mouvement artistique britannique fondé en 1999 par Billy Childish et Charles Thomson. Il prône une peinture figurative en réaction ŕ l'art conceptuel"
Arte TV 28.4.05 + video. "Les stuckistes ne respectent rien et surtout pas l'art contemporain! Au diable les concepts et l'abstraction, vive la figuration ! Sičge de l'Internationale Stuckiste, Londres: d'oů part leur révolution."

GERMAN - see here.

11.6.07. English intro, Greek discussion. Translation of Terry Marks' statement into Greek.

INDONESIAN 24.12.07 Article by Joko Apridinoto from Untuk Makna visual art magazine: "Stuckisme (stuckism) merupakan sebuah gerakan kesenian yang terjadi di Inggris dimulai pada tahun 1999 dengan tokoh pendirinya Billy Childish dan Charles Tompson yang tergabung dalam kelompok stuckist pertama dengan anggota 13 orang."

Italiano - "Lo Stucchismo (Stuckism) č un movimento artistico fondato nel 1999 nel Regno Unito da Billy Childish e Charles Thomson per promuovere la pittura figurativa in opposizione all'arte concettuale."

Norsk (bokmĺl) - "Stukkisme er en kunstbevegelse som dannet i England i 1999 av Billy Childish og Charles Thomson for ĺ promotere figurativ maleri i opposisjon til konseptuell kunst."

POLISH 10.5.08, Piotr Bernatowicz: "The Krasnals? The Stuckist?" "The Stuckists rozpoczeli swoja krucjate przeciw medialnym gwiazdom w rodzaju Tracey Emin i Damiena Hirsta w 1999, w momencie apogeum YBA’s, apogeum, które jednoczesnie zapowiadalo przesilenie i stagnacje." (scroll down) 25.11.02. A
rticle, interview, manifesto translation ("Artysta, który nie jest malarzem nie jest artysta") and paintings by Guru, Ming, Harvey, Absolon and Thomson. "Czas na material sensacyjny! Sebastian Cichocki przedstawia grupe THE STUCKISTS, czarujaco zacofanych rewolucjonistów, którzy z pedzlem w dloni marza o kolejnym przewrocie w sztuce."

Stuckismo (em portuguęs) - informaçăo básica
(Brasil) 30.8.01. Adriana Baggio, "Arte Empacada": "O Stuckismo fala de uma deturpaçăo do modernismo, que possibilitou a abertura do caminho para a banalizaçăo do moderno no pós-modernismo, caindo na submissăo aos interesses comerciais. Para um resgate dos valores do Modernismo, os manifestantes propőem o Remodernismo, através de uma reaplicaçăo dos princípios originais do movimento."

Artchronika issue 7-8, 1.8.08 Article scan here. Art wars issue. Picture of the shark in the Stuckism International Gallery. Magazine site:
Русский - "Стакизм (Stuckism) — художественное движение, основанное в 1999 году в Великобритании художниками Билли Чайлдишом (Billy Childish) и Чарли Томсоном (Charles Thomson) для продвижения фигуративной живописи в противовес концептуальному искусству."
BBC Russia
19.10.04 Click to picture no. 9. Stuckists Turner Prize demo 2004. "У галереи Тейт прошла демонстрация художников, которые протестовали против того, что среди претендентов не было живописи."

SLOVAK 20.11.06. "Stuckismus alebo Malba ako spôsob vzdoru a zduchovnenia umenia." Good pics.

El Stuckism (en Español) - información básica
El Tiempo [broken link] (Colombia) 3.12.05. Feature on Stuckism.

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